Friday, March 2, 2012

Breakfast of Champions

I'd love to take the credit for this one, but this is 100% Jamie - his standard work-morning breakfast.  Here are the ingredients:
Basically, what we do is spray EVOO cooking spray in each of the 10 containers (and on the lids) to make cleanup easier.  Then, dump in baby spinach, pico de gallio (in Jamie's, not in mine), 1 5oz. can of chunk chicken (packed in water), 1/4 avocado, and eggs in each container.  Stick those in the 'fridge and you've got breakfast for 2 for the whole week! 

We each like 3 eggs in the meal, but don't want all the cholesterol in 3 eggs.  So, we use 1 local egg and 2/3 cup egg whites (bought at the store).  (Check your egg substitute - some have lots of other stuff besides just egg whites.)

I like to precook my eggs so that I only have to heat it for 60 seconds when I'm ready to eat.  Jamie, however, LOVES his food to be molten when he eats it, so he leaves his eggs uncooked then heats it for 3ish minutes before eating.

I realized when making the last round that the meal is 100% waste-free.  The egg beater carton, plastic baby spinach box, and chicken can recycle, the egg crate gets reused, and the egg shells and avocado go into the compost!

Additionally, we've started making these in large batches on Sunday night.  That way, breakfast is ready to grab in the morning and stick in the microwave once we're at the office!

Homer's favorite part is the juice that gets drained out of the chicken can...

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