Friday, June 15, 2012

Cucumber Sandwiches...from OUR GARDEN!

The time has finally arrived!  Our garden has begun producing food large enough to eat!  The first harvest produced 3 jalapenos, 2 bell peppers, 2 (of some other kind of bell pepper looking pepper), one large cucumber (which is almost as round as it is long and a funny yellow color), one Japanese eggplant, and one small cherry tomato.

I totted the veggies all the way to Port O'Connor and back, hoping to use them on our long stay at the coast.  No such luck.  The only one that met it's demise was the eggplant - I introduced Jamie to Meme's famous fried eggplant.  Needless to say, he was an immediate fan.

So, returning home with our first batch of home-grown garden veggies reaching almost a week old, I had to find something to do with them.  While at the grocery store, browsing the cheese section, it hit me...cucumber dill sandwiches!  These were another first for Jamie and, once again, he's a big fan!  Our fat little cucumber has (so far) made 4 sandwiches - one for each of us for dinner the last two nights!

This is our sandwich, served with half of one of the not-bell-pepper-looking-peppers and a hot red cherry pepper (picked after we returned home).  The red pepper turned out to be so spicy that, instead of just eating them raw, on the side, we stuck the slices into the sandwich, which worked very well!

And, with peppers and HEB corn & bean pico...

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