Monday, May 21, 2012

Boudain Stuffed Pork Chops

Boudain Stuffed Pork Chops

This recipe came out of the cookbook my uncle, Chris, recently sent me - Texas Eats.  I LOVE this cookbook.  It reads like a novel of Texas history, culture, and how the two have come to influence the cuisine in the different regions of the state.

Trey and Jennifer Logan brought a batch of boudain when they came for my birthday.  Jamie and I ate one link immediately and put the other in the freezer.  When I found this recipe I knew exactly what the use for the second link would be!

Create pockets inside the chops to stuff with boudain.
 Stuffed.  (Make sure to remove the boudain from the casing before stuffing.)
 Hog rub ingredients.

This was also the 1-year anniversary of closing on our house.  So, we added into the celebration the Champagne that the Galligans gave me (also for my birthday).
The grill-master at work!
Also helping.  Yes - that's Homer's newest favorite "chew stick."
It's hard to get grill marks better than that!
 And, how could you celebrate Saddlecreek's 1-year anniversary without a little Saddlecreek wine?
 All put together.

The look of approval!

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